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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Community-Based Approach in Developing Farm Tourism

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107043, PP. 1-15

Subject Areas: Tourism Economy, Entrepreneurship

Keywords: Farm Tourism, Community-Based Tourism, Women’s Farmer’s Communities

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The sustainability of agriculture and tourism are always challenged and their impact on rural development. The called for community-based approach is needed to make agriculture and tourism sustainable and thriving. The study aims to develop farm tourism through community-based approach towards sustainability of agriculture and its rural development. Specifically, it considered the steps in developing community-based farm tourism in two selected communities, evaluates its feasibility, documented its benefits and challenges, and determined the lesson learned from its process. It uses qualitative research design where it highlights and documents the process of establishing farm tourism through community-based approach and its feasibility. Two selected communities are the respondent of this study. Survey-interview and focus group discussion was utilized. Focus group discussion in the two communities was used during the orientation and process of establishing farm tourism. Findings reveal that establishing farm tourism through community-based approach requires preliminary actions before its actual process. There are four steps to start and develop community-based tourism initiatives such as community assessment; educate and prepare the community for tourism; identify and establish leadership team/local champion; and plan and design quality products. It was reflected that the main benefit of developing community-based farm tourism is the livelihood it offers and this is also the main reason why they join this project. Establishing farm tourism through community-based approach is a process; it needs a support system; takes time to thrive; and it needs a different approach to sustain the project.

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Paladan, N. (2020). Community-Based Approach in Developing Farm Tourism. Open Access Library Journal, 7, e7043. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107043.


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