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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Citizen Perceptions on Language and Dual Citizenship in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The Case of Goma City

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1106808, PP. 1-15

Subject Areas: Sociology

Keywords: Citizenship, Language, Citizenship Law, Dual Citizenship, Identity’s Conflict

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The paper sought to explore the view of people in Goma city on the question of language and dual citizenship in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It also analyzed the constitutional provisions on citizenship. The liberal theory of citizenship by Micheal Lister was employed for studying on citizenship. The liberal theory of citizenship shares important aims and assumptions with radical citizenship approaches, which emphasizes democracy, voice and difference. This theory gives the importance of citizenship education and the multi-ethnicities engagement in the making and implementation of the Citizenship in the DRC. The study analyzed the law on citizenship and explored the view of people by observing them; the researcher used the questionnaire and the in-depth interviews with respondents in Goma city. A total of 102 participants participated in this study while the secondary data was sought from the constitution of the 24th November 2004, accompanied by the organic law of the 18th February 2006. The findings showed the facts people are founding holding dual citizenship while it prohibits in the DRC. Using documents and thematic analysis the study revealed that the government of DRC has to lift up the moratorium on citizenship debate at the National Assembly, allocate resources for the census to know who is and who is not Congolese and learn from others countries experiences on language and dual citizenship. The Congolese government must ensure the protection of applicants for citizenship and punish those who still hold dual citizenship. Finally, the government must bring the citizenship education in the everyday life of Congolese. It emerged from the study that there is high corruption in government institutions, and the easy use and access of false document in Goma. The study recommended the government of the DRC to reevaluate the application of the law on citizenship and the roles of each government agency and institution in charge of the deliberating the citizenship issue. Finally, it recommended that the Government straighten the political relation with its all neighbor’s countries.

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Fazili, C. K. , Byamungu, B. M. , Katwe, J. K. and Talwa, D. I. Y. (2021). Citizen Perceptions on Language and Dual Citizenship in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The Case of Goma City. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e6808. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106808.


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