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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Study of Drug Use, Spirituality, Intimacy and Age as Determinants of Antisocial Behaviour among Youths

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1106431, PP. 1-31

Subject Areas: Criminology

Keywords: Drug Use, Spirituality, Intimacy, Age, Antisocial Behaviour, Youths

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This study investigated drug use, spirituality, intimacy and age as determinants of antisocial behaviour among youths. Participants were four hundred and sixty eight (468) youths comprising (328) males and (140) females. Their ages ranged between (9 - 25) years, with a mean age of 17 and standard deviation of 8.04. Cross sectional design was adopted. Four instruments were used for data collection: Antisocial Behaviour Scale, Simple Screening Instrument for Substance Abuse and Daily Spiritual Experience Scale validated in Nigeria by the present researcher and Emotional Intimacy Scale. Four hypotheses were tested. Step wise multiple regression analysis indicated that drug use (p < 0.01). The result showed that spirituality, intimacy and age were all shown to be significant of antisocial behaviour; while spirituality, intimacy and age were shown to be negative determinants of antisocial behaviour. Marital status was positively significantly associated with antisocial behaviour, while educational qualification and religious denomination both had negative significant association with antisocial behaviour. Drug use was found to be positively significantly associated with antisocial behaviour while spirituality was positively significantly associated with antisocial behaviour. However, intimacy and age of participants were not significantly associated with antisocial behaviour. The implication of this study is there is urgent need to checkmate the rate of consumption/use of drug especially among the youths and more among the adolescence but more the source of supply.

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Okwudili, A. C. , Chibuike, O. P. , Philip, O. C. , Ekpunobi, C. P. , Okorieh, A. V. , Grace, O. A. and Sunday, E. M. (2020). The Study of Drug Use, Spirituality, Intimacy and Age as Determinants of Antisocial Behaviour among Youths. Open Access Library Journal, 7, e6431. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106431.


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