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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Perceptions of Some Africans about Post-Colonialism as Depicted in Jomo Kenyatta’s “The Gentlemen of the Jungle”

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105677, PP. 1-8

Subject Areas: Education

Keywords: Post-Colonialism, Alienation, Retributive Justice, Double Standard, Colonizer, Colonized

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Every human being, in addition to having his or her own personal identity, has a sense of who he or she is, in relation to the larger society. It seems that after independence is achieved by African states, one main question arises: What is the new society, culture, and identity? Africans are faced with cultural clash owing to the fact that they have been too much exposed to the colonizer’s (European’s) way of life. The identity of most Africans is gradually eroded as there is a proliferation of Westernization. This content analysis design paper, employing Jomo Kenyatta’s short story, “The Gentlemen of the Jungle”, as the main data, has examined the main theme, post-colonialism, from four sub-perspectives. These perspectives are: alienation and exclusion, retributive justice, the colonizer’s language as a tool of dominance, and double standard and abuse of power. The significance of this paper is to facilitate the shaping of new identities in African communities after the obliterating of colonialism and European imperialism. The essay is structured into four main parts: introduction, the method, the themes, and the conclusion.

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Owusu, E. , Adade-Yeboah, A. and Appiah, P. (2019). Perceptions of Some Africans about Post-Colonialism as Depicted in Jomo Kenyatta’s “The Gentlemen of the Jungle”. Open Access Library Journal, 6, e5677. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105677.


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