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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Advances in the Treatment of Textile Effluents: A Review

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105549, PP. 1-13

Subject Areas: Environmental Chemistry

Keywords: Industrial Effluents, Effluents Treatment, Textile Effluents

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The textile industry moves the economy of several countries, being of great importance for the internal market and also for the external market, but it is considered one of the industries that consume a greater volume of water in its productive process, being one of the largest producers of effluents. Effluents from the textile industries carry toxic, mutagenic and potentially carcinogenic substances, and are resistant to chemical and/or biological degradation, pre-venting traditional effluent treatment methodologies from removing significant quantities of these molecules, compromising the quality of receiving water bodies. The present work aims to demonstrate the conventional methodologies used in the treatment of effluents from textile industries and present new technologies discovered for this purpose and present a greater efficiency in the removal of the dyes used in the productive chain of these industries.

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Júnior, M. A. C. , Santos, A. G. D. , Silva, E. D. P. , Maimoni, G. F. , Martins, H. N. , Assis, M. L. D. M. , Camargo, C. A. C. M. and Camargo, M. A. F. (2019). Advances in the Treatment of Textile Effluents: A Review. Open Access Library Journal, 6, e5549. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105549.


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