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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Approximation to the Composition and Biodiversity of Saltlicks Forest for Two Indigenous Communities in the Colombia Amazonas Trapeze

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105429, PP. 1-24

Subject Areas: Environmental Sciences

Keywords: Trees Species, Saltlicks, Amazon Rainforest, Tikuna and Uitoto Ethnic Groups, Biodiversity, Composition, Colombia

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Tikuna and Uitoto indigenous communities believe that Saltlicks are sacred natural spaces (SNS) in the Amazon Rainforest, health and nutrition spaces of important species of fauna, especially mammals and birds. The perception, knowledge, use and spiritual management of saltlicks under the values of these indigenous communities help the conservation of more than 130 species of flora identified in forest inventories in saltlicks. The purpose of this article is to identify the composition and biodiversity of the forest in a sample of 11 saltlicks (6 in the TICOYA Resguardo2 in the San Martin de Amacayacu (SMA)3 area, Tikuna community, and 5 in RITU Resguardo, LosKilometrosarea, Uitoto community), recognizing genres (or species when were possible) and frequently botanical families. The data were obtained through field work with forest inventories by transects of 4 × 50 meters made in the years 2015, 2016 and 2017, with help of guides and knowledgeable flora elders from both communities. As a conclusion, the saltlicks samples in both Resguardos have high biodiversity and richness indices. More than 130 species of trees and palms were identified in 90 genres and 30 botanic families. The families in the saltlicks samples with more number of trees or palms are Fabaceae, Arecaceae and Lecythidaceae. In the 6 saltlicks of SMA, 28 families with 59 genres were identified. The families with more individuals are Arecaceae, Fabaceae and Myristicaceae. In the 5 saltlicks of Los Kilometros, 30 families with 67 genres were identified. The families with more number of trees are Arecaceae, Fabaceae and Lecythidaceae. This information contributes to the knowledge of the saltlicks forest and helps the recognition and conservation of their flora.

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Monsalve-Cuartas, A. M. , Rego, F. C. and Sanchez, I. (2019). Approximation to the Composition and Biodiversity of Saltlicks Forest for Two Indigenous Communities in the Colombia Amazonas Trapeze. Open Access Library Journal, 6, e5429. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105429.


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