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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Functional Relationships of a Geospatial System for Reforestation of a Territory Using Geographic Information Systems

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105193, PP. 1-5

Subject Areas: Geology

Keywords: Geographical Information System (GIS), Geospatial Systems, Radiation Energy Flow, Geomorphologic Characteristics, Images Processing

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The analysis presented was carried out in an area of Loja Province, Ecuador, with the objective of determining the functioning of the different geospatial systems for the evaluation of the reforestation of the territory, degraded by different activities that are developed in open sky. It was departed from the running of the model of Hottel, that considering the absence of data series of meteorological variables, theoretical methods were used for the calculation of the insolation variable, in Labview software. Considering the affectations by the presence of cloudiness as well as by the surfaces of shade orographic, this was implemented for a Geographic Information System (GIS) taking advantage of the characteristics of these applications for spatial analyses. The analysis of temperature and precipitation was also included considering the variations in altitude [1] for the realization of the functional analysis of the territory. From the joint analyses of both methods were obtained maps that allowed defining the zones with conditions of dampening and flows of radiation and caloric potentials, whose result will allow the specialists of the biotic part to determine the species for reforestation in the area. The digital elevation model (MDE) of the South Region of Ecuador was obtained and the maps of slopes, orientation of the surfaces and slopes oriented, from which, through analysis of cross-images allowed the determination of the maps of radiation, temperature, and precipitation considering the geomorphologic characteristics. The resulting maps are presented.

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Hernández, O. H. Á. and Peralta, T. E. M. (2019). Functional Relationships of a Geospatial System for Reforestation of a Territory Using Geographic Information Systems. Open Access Library Journal, 6, e5193. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105193.


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