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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Implementation of the Skill-Based Approach in the Teaching of Chemistry in the 5th Grade of the French Education System

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103984, PP. 1-12

Subject Areas: Education

Keywords: Skill-Based Approach, Collaboration, Motivation, Acquisition Process, Proficiency Level

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Based on the skill-based approach, the teaching of chemistry in the 5th grade in the French educational system follows a program where the notions to be learnt are organized by theme. Using this form of teaching, we studied the acquisition process and proficiency level for students of the 5th grade at the LycéeFrancais de Tamatave during two trimesters of the school year 2016- 2017, through the themes of Health and Sport. The contextualization of the activities gives rise to the motivation of the students, and the collaboration makes it possible to optimize their proficiency level; the skill-based approach gives students a feeling of ability to succeed, and the teacher’s assistance has a considerable importance. However, good students complain that they have resulted far from their expectations when working in groups, preferring to work alone instead of helping their peers to progress. Gaps are also identified in the acquisition of disciplinary notions, as the skill-based approach does not require students to master the content of the lesson. In addition, it would be better to optimize the use of school time which should be used for skills development activities.

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Ratsimbatoha, Z. A. (2017). Implementation of the Skill-Based Approach in the Teaching of Chemistry in the 5th Grade of the French Education System. Open Access Library Journal, 4, e3984. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103984.


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