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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Frequency and Early Neonatal Mortality Related to Anomalies of Birth Weight and Gestational Age in Rural Areas: A Case of the General Reference Hospital of Lubao (Lomami Province, Democratic Republic of Congo)

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103433, PP. 1-12

Subject Areas: Pediatrics, Nursing, Public Health

Keywords: Dysmature, Lubao, Macrosoma, Premature, Post-Term

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Birth weight anomalies (Macrosomy and Dysmaturity) and gestational age (pre-mature and post-term) are a real public health problem, especially in resource-constrained countries. The newborn is exposed to great morbidity and mortality. This study aims to determine the frequency and early neonatal mortality related to anomalies in birth weight and gestational age in our environment. This is a retrospective and descriptive three-year study (2011-2013) at the Maternity services of the General Reference Hospital of Lubao (Lomami Province, Democratic Republic of Congo). Out of a total of 1158 live babies retained for this study, 378 cases (32.6%) of birth weight and gestational age abnormalities were noted: 12.7% of birth and 19.9% for gestational age anomalies. Premature was much observed (n = 165 or 14.2%) followed by dysmature (n = 99 or 8.6%), post-term (n = 66 or 5.7%), and macrosomes (n = 48 or 4.1%). These anomalies had resulted in 122 cases (10.5%) of early neonatal deaths. Premature and post-mature were significantly more at risk of mortality than dysmature and macrosomes (p < 0.05). These high rates of birth weight and gestational age anomalies and their associated mortalities attest to the need for rapid and concerted control actions. Birth weight and gestational age abnormalities arise as serious health problems to which appropriate responses are required. It would require good follow-up and care for pregnancy and newborn.

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Kabemba, B. H. , Kasendue, E. P. , Shiku, M. A. , Kabingie, N. G. , Ngiele, M. D. , Kitengie, T. J. , Ilunga, M. G. , Pungue, K. J. , Kalonda, E. D. and Lukamba, K. P. (2017). Frequency and Early Neonatal Mortality Related to Anomalies of Birth Weight and Gestational Age in Rural Areas: A Case of the General Reference Hospital of Lubao (Lomami Province, Democratic Republic of Congo). Open Access Library Journal, 4, e3433. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103433.


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