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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice about Vaginal Discharge on School-Age Girls in Jatinangor Senior High School

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103130, PP. 1-9

Subject Areas: Epidemiology, Public Health

Keywords: Leucorrhea, Attitude, Knowledge, Implementation, School-Age Girls

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Vaginal discharge, commonly known as leucorrhea, is a physiological condition which happens in female reproductive periods. More than 75% women have experience leucorrhea during their lifetime and 45% of them have recurrent condition. Nowadays, a much greater number of young people suffer from leucorrhea which hinders their ability to grow and develop to their full potential. Many people are still ignorant and unaware of prevent leucorrhea which threats their health not only for recent time but also for the future. A descriptive cross-sectional design was used with cluster sampling of 164 school-age girls taken from government school of Jatinangor on June 2013. The data of knowledge about leucorrhea on school-age girls, their attitude and practice regarding the prevention of leucorrhea were collected by using questionnaires which have been tested and validated. Based on the questionnaire, the results show that school-age girl’s knowledge about leucorrhoea is low. The attitudes and practice regarding the prevention issue and the management about leucorrhoea are good. The conclusion in this study is that respondents lack knowledge about leucorrhea while they have a good attitude and do good practices regarding the prevention of leucorrhea diseases. Based on the results in this study, health workers are recommended to educate school-age girls about features, physiological and pathological causes, prevention, and management of leucorrhea.

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Rakhmilla, L. E. , Fah, L. I. , Sofiatin, Y. , Widjadjakusuma, A. and Rosyada, N. A. (2016). Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice about Vaginal Discharge on School-Age Girls in Jatinangor Senior High School. Open Access Library Journal, 3, e3130. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103130.


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