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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Pesticide Use Pattern among Farmers in a Rural District of Meknes: Morocco

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103125, PP. 1-19

Subject Areas: Epidemiology

Keywords: Carcinogenic Pesticides, Farmer, Risk, Meknes

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Background: Pesticides in Morocco are extensively used for pest control in agriculture. Their usage practices may potentially result in high farmer exposures and adverse health effects. The objective of this study is to evaluate the risks to human health phytosanitary practices of rural farmers in the region of Meknes. Methods: This study was based on a transversal survey dealt with 402 farming households in 15 rural communes. The results of the survey have undergone statistical analysis. Results: A sample of 402 individuals were included in this survey; it was found that the age of the farmers surveyed is between 18 and 72 years. The potato vine crops and orchards record the most important use pesticides. The survey found that 74 commercial preparations are used, 14 insecticides, 23 fungicides, 26 herbicides, 3 insecticide-acaricide and 1 nematicide. Some of these substances are classified as to its carcinogenicity risk in group 1, 2A and 2B according to IARC monograph (International Center for Research on Cancer). The farmers use carcinogens products: 47.3% are already exposed to tobacco, and very few of these producers are confronted with the health rules for the phytosanitary treatment. Most reported that they have skin irritation after application of pesticides, a cold and hot flushes and other health problems such as respiratory problems including “allergies”. No significant correlation was found between the declaration of these health problems and the level of education. Among the farmers who reported these problems, 3.73% reported having headaches, and eleven having respiratory problems. The consumption of alcohol and tobacco to a certain degree had a strong correlation with the return of these health problems (p = 0.0057 and p = 0.052). Conclusions: This study shows that farmers in Meknes region are frequently exposed to dangerous and restricted pesticides, practicing their agricultural activities within adequate protection. The study establishes a diagnosis of farmers’ exposure to carcinogenic chemicals and is an important basis for the definition of preventive measures against the risk factors linked to cancer in the farms.

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Imane, B. , Mariam, A. , Chakib, N. , Ahmed, Z. , Samir, E. J. and Karima, E. R. (2016). Pesticide Use Pattern among Farmers in a Rural District of Meknes: Morocco. Open Access Library Journal, 3, e3125. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103125.


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