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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Anti-Ageing Cure

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1102440, PP. 1-3

Subject Areas: Biochemistry, Neuroscience

Keywords: Anti-Ageing, Metformin, Diabetes, Antioxidants, Lifespan, Rapamycin, Hormones

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The anti-ageing drugs have become the pinnacle of increased focus on biotechnology and are linked with innovative clinical preventive drugs. The specialty is initiated on the claim of ground- breaking scientific and medical technologies. These innovative technologies aim to prevent, treat, and restrict age-related disorders. This research paper attempted to examine the various types of drugs and treatments methods for anti-ageing. One of the drugs for anti-ageing cure is rapamycin, which is a remedy that has the capacity to destroy the immune system. Calorie restriction is recommendable because it helps to prolong lifespan among ageing people. Another recommendable drug is metformin, which restores insulin sensitivity for people with type II diabetes. Antioxidants drugs are also crucial for prolonging lifespan. Hormonal therapies are effective treatment for prolonging lifespan of people. Human growth hormone, melatonin, estrogen, which is mostly for women, insulin-like growth factor, and DHEA are among the hormonal therapies vital for prolonging life.

Cite this paper

Patnaik, N. (2016). Anti-Ageing Cure. Open Access Library Journal, 3, e2440. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1102440.


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