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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Perceptions of EFL Teachers on the Impact of the Usage of Code-Switching in EFL Classroom Management

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1101961, PP. 1-11

Subject Areas: Education, Linguistics

Keywords: Code-Switching, Classroom Management, Mother Tongue (L1)

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This study aims to investigate university level language teachers’ views on how their usage of code switching affects their classroom management in EFL classes. This study is conducted in Turkish setting, which is Cyprus and especially at the European University of Lefke. The participants are selected randomly from the same university and they are the members of the English Preparatory School. They were asked to write five daily reports during one week and they were interviewed for 30 minutes. In order to reach a valid and reliable data, two data collection methods were chosen, which were reflective reports and interview; hence, the nature of the current study was qualitative. In other words, cross-case analysis was used to examine and identify common themes between cases. This study lasted three months; therefore, it was not a longitudinal work, so this research was limited and needed further inquiry. In Cyprus EFL classes, code-switching should be considered and investigated more in classroom management. It is revealed that there is a need to raise EFL teachers’ awareness on when and when not to use code-switching. There are certain ways to promote code-switching in EFL classes and there are by providing more seminars, workshops and organizational meetings weekly or monthly.

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Yiltanlilar, A. and Caganaga, C. K. (2015). The Perceptions of EFL Teachers on the Impact of the Usage of Code-Switching in EFL Classroom Management. Open Access Library Journal, 2, e1961. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1101961.


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