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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


A New Offer of Approach of Motivation Factors Measurement

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1101607, PP. 1-6

Subject Areas: Fluid Mechanics, Dynamical System

Keywords: Motivation, Factor Measurement, Hierarchy, Indicator, Evaluation, Determination, Employee, Performance, Self-Actualization, Esteem

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The fact is that it is always attempted to develop suitable motivation factors satisfying company management needs in this very sensitive as well as vital aspects of development. Each of existing approaches at some point has been applied and tested as to its effects on people’s lives, jobs, and personal goals in life as well as in the work place. Honestly, it is very difficult to find out motivation factors, which can be used in wide areas of management process. There is no flexible manner of factors to apply in large areas of business. It makes necessary to adopt behavior of motivation factors depending on business type or spheres. Obviously it opens an environment to differentiate motivation factors for successful observation and monitoring of the process. There are wide methods of motivation factors existing in different sources [1]. This paper offers a new approach of definition of motivation factors. For this reason a cognitive classification formed on the Masloff hierarchy categories is suggested. It states detailed classification of a large number of factors, which make assume a wide use of such option in different type of business areas. One more advantage of this classification of motivation factors is the most convenient of measurability of developed system. This subject is highly important especially meeting the main requirements of the system with SMART segmentation. It makes possible and opens an opportunity easily to assess the system for further right decision-making.

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Samadova, N. E. and Rustamov, R. B. (2015). A New Offer of Approach of Motivation Factors Measurement. Open Access Library Journal, 2, e1607. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1101607.


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