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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Epidemiology of Adenovirus Associated Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Hospitalized Children in Hangzhou City, China

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1100777, PP. 1-6

Subject Areas: Epidemiology, Pediatrics

Keywords: Adenovirus, Respiratory Infection, Epidemiology

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This study was performed to investigate the epidemiology of adenovirus related acute lower respiratory tract infection in children through a large sample collection. Totally 76,518 patients admitted to Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine were investigated from July 2006 to June 2012. Nasopharyngeal aspirates were collected and examined by immunofluorescence assay to confirm viral etiology. There were 479 patients positive for adenovirus (6.3‰) and pneumonia accounted for most of these patients. The median age of adenovirus infected was 16 months and peaked at the second six-month of life. Winter, spring and summer had the similar positive rate, while autumn had the lowest occurrence rate. The detection rates of adenovirus on each spring from 2007 to 2012 were 18.01‰, 5.73‰, 11.85‰, 6.35‰, 11.77‰ and 2.66‰, respectively, which indicated a prevalence appearing once every two years.

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Zheng, Q. , Lu, M. and Li, W. (2015). The Epidemiology of Adenovirus Associated Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Hospitalized Children in Hangzhou City, China. Open Access Library Journal, 2, e777. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1100777.


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