Total of 14 articles.


Sep 18, 2019Open    AccessArticle

Prinsip Good Governance Dalam Penyalahgunaan Wewenang

Jemmy Jefry Pietersz
governance is a way implemented by the government using political, economic and administrative authority in managing economic and social resources for community development. The term governance is more directed to technical matters of governance in a country. By that, the term governance in relation to good governance is directed more towards legal aspects, especially administrative law which in essence more emphasized public service aspect which is addressed to society. Good governance characte...


Sep 18, 2019Open    AccessArticle

Pemilihan Kepala/Wali Desa/Nagari Dengan Sistem E-Voting Di Kabupaten Agam Provinsi Sumatera Barat

Muhammad Irham, Miracle Soplanit
Village head election must be continuously developed and adapted to the development of the community in the village. The Indonesian nation has stated clearly in the constitution of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the fourth paragraph which is the purpose of national and state life "...... protecting the whole Indonesian nation and the entire Indonesian blood sphere, and to promote general welfare, educating the life of the nation ". In 2017, 28 Nagari in Agam District will ca...


Sep 18, 2019Open    AccessArticle

Tanggung Gugat Resiko Dalam Aspek Hukum Kesehatan

Arman Anwar
Health is a fundamental need for every human being in his life and to meet these needs the role of doctors and health workers is very important. Doctors and Health care in providing health services to the community is always required in order to provide the best service. So with the Hospital. However, the health services provided may result in two different possibilities of the patient being cured or even worsening the disease until death. If the patient recovers it will flow millions of praise ...


Sep 18, 2019Open    AccessArticle

Makna Dan Fungsi Itikad Baik Dalam Kontrak Kerja Konstruksi

Barnabas Dumas Manery
Neither law nor doctrine can provide a clear understanding of good faith in contract law. In general, the study of good faith tends to mix up the notion of good faith as the rule of law in good faith as the principle of contract law. Based on this understanding, Article 1338 Paragraph (3) BW is considered as the legal principle of the contract so it concludes that the obligation of good faith exists only at the stage of contract implementation. Such opinion has obscured the meaning and function ...


Sep 18, 2019Open    AccessArticle

Wanprestasi Manajer Investasi Terhadap Investor Reksadana

Marselo Valentino Geovani Pariela
The Investment Manager is the party managing Mutual Funds either in the form of the Company or in the form of Collective Investment Contract, one of Mutual Fund products is Mutual Fund Shares. Investment Managers in managing Mutual Funds perform securities portfolio activities as well as collective investment portfolios. Portfolio is intended to minimize the risks that occur when managing the investment, with the portfolio, expected returns that expected investors can be reached maximally in the...


Sep 18, 2019Open    AccessArticle

Kendala Dalam Pelaksanaan Pembelian Terselubung (Undercover Buy ) Dalam Mengungkap Tindak Pidana Narkotika Oleh Penyidik Polri

Iqbal Taufik
Investigators have an important role in uncovering the crime of narcotics, one way is to use the technique of covert purchase (undercover buy). In the execution of investigators often encounter obstacles, including: lack of number of factors necessary equipment, limited operating costs, investigators get terror and be a witness in the trial, difficulties in getting the informant, constraints determine the location of purchase veiled, and drug network that uses techniques mines. Thus, efforts sho...


Sep 18, 2019Open    AccessArticle

Pemenuhan Hak Asasi Manusia Atas Bangunan Dengan Kontrak Built, Operate And Transfer

Sarah Selfina Kuahaty
One of the goals of the state as mandated by the Constitution NRI Year 1945 is to promote the general welfare. As mandated by the constitution, the government is obliged to meet the objectives of the country. In addition Article 28 paragraph 1 of the Constitution NRI 1945 also gives the right to every person to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, as a human right. One form of the welfare of society is the availability of infrastructure and facilities to support each activity. The realizat...


Sep 18, 2019Open    AccessArticle

Tanggungjawab Pemerintah Dan Pelaku Usaha Makanan Siap Saji Terkait Penggunaan Wadah Plastik Yang Berbahaya Bagi Konsumen Di Kota Ambon

Agustina Balik, Vica Jilyan Edsti Saija
Plastic containers are the most popular food packaging materials used. Many businesses choose plastic as a container for their products, because the plastic has excellent properties such as: strong but light, practical, cheap and not out of date. Though it use is very dangerous because can happen migration of chemicals from plastic to food wrapped especially in the heat. The role of BPOM (Food and Drug Supervisory Agency) and the Office of Industry and Trade on Consumer Protection has not been e...


Sep 18, 2019Open    AccessArticle

Penetapan Status Tersangka Dan Terdakwa Calon Kepala Daerah Dan Implikasi Yuridisnya Dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Kajian Yuridis Normatif)

Imam Ropii
Political contestation in the election of regional heads simultaneously in the third stage of 2017 became popular in particular the election of regional heads in Jakarta Special Capital Region (DKI). The popularity of DKI Regional Head election is because one of the candidates of the regional head (petahana candidate) is currently a suspect status and has even increased to be the defendant for allegedly doing the act of defamation of religion. The juridical of the candidate for the head of a sus...


Sep 18, 2019Open    AccessArticle


Saulo Bichara Mendon?a, Mayra Lima Custódio
The present study is based on the analysis of the differential treatment granted to microenterprises, small businesses and individual microentrepreneurs, treated as small businesses,in the acquisition of direct, indirect, autarchic and foundational Public Administration. The constitutional principle of isonomy, which guarantees this treatment, and the ways its effectiveness is sought through the 7 (seven) existing mechanisms that privilege small companies in the bidding process are analyzed. Fur...

Dermatology  Law  Dentistry  Nutrition 
