Total of 3 articles.


Dec 17, 2018Open    AccessArticle

The Problem of Verbum Mentis and Intellectio in the Philosophical Works of Innocent Gizel and Joseph Volchansky

Yaroslava Stratii
The article provides a comparative analysis of the mental word concepts in the works of two Kyiv-Mohyla Academy professors: Innocent Gizel and Joseph Volchansky. The analysis is based on the Latin-language handwritten treatises by these authors: ?De anima? Gizel (1646–1647) and ?De corpore animato? Volchansky (1715). The authors’ concepts of intellectual cognition are examined in the context of the European scholastic tradition. It is found out that understanding of intellectual cognition by Inn...

History  Philosophy  Literature 

Aug 04, 2017Open    AccessArticle

Dinamika Multikultural Masyarakat Kota Surabaya

Soedarso soedarso, Muhammad Nurif, sutikno sutikno, windiani windiani
Penelitian ini berujuan untuk menjelaskan kondisi dan faktor-faktor penyangga dari suatu masyarakat multikultur khususnya di Kota Surabaya.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yakni melalui studi literatur, penyebaran kuesioner dan interview mendalam.Penelitian ini menggunakan sample 5 lokasi kampung di Surabaya yang mewakili seluruh wilayah baik pusat, selatan, timur,utara dan barat yakni kampung Plampitan, Ketintang, Medokan Ayu, Kenjeran dan Manukan Lor. Kesimpulan hasil ...

Sociology  Statistics  History  Education 

Aug 04, 2017Open    AccessArticle

Vaccination Applications and Nursing Before and During The First World War

Zeynep ARABACI , Ay?e DO?RU
Wars are events that cause people and societies to lose too much. In the past, soldiers had to fight against infectious diseases as well as militants. Especially during the First World War, soldiers also fought against infectious diseases such as flowers, typhoid, typhus, cholera, dysentery. In addition to hygiene and sanitation measures to protect against infectious diseases, it was also used in vaccination applications produced in accordance with the conditions of that period. The vaccination ...

Nursing  History 
