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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Remote Sensing Image Target Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Networks

DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2024.131036, PP. 342-348

Keywords: 图像识别,遥感图像,卷积神经网络,YOLOv5
Image Recognition
, Remote Sensing Images, Convolutional Neural Networks, YOLOv5

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In recent years, Earth observation remote sensing satellites have been successfully launched and operated in orbit, and new remote sensing platforms such as unmanned aerial vehicles are con-stantly developing and updating. Traditional manual visual interpretation can no longer meet the efficiency and accuracy requirements of remote sensing image interpretation. Deep learning has shown good reliability and efficiency in remote sensing image processing. The remote sensing im-age land class recognition technology based on deep learning has strong data processing and fea-ture extraction capabilities, which can effectively improve recognition accuracy and make land class information acquisition more intelligent. Therefore, it is widely used in remote sensing image land class processing. The core and key to the application of remote sensing images is remote sensing image interpretation. In the era of big data in remote sensing images, intelligent interpretation provides new solutions and has become an important driving force for the development of survey-ing and remote sensing discipline. This article conducts research on remote sensing image classifi-cation. Firstly, relevant knowledge of the DOTA dataset and YOLOv5 algorithm used in this article were introduced. Secondly, the YOLOv5 project for remote sensing image recognition was estab-lished, and the key parameters of the algorithm were set. Finally, the model was analyzed based on the recognition results and visualization panel. Remote sensing images have a large amount of in-formation capacity and complex intertwining of various land features, posing certain challenges in recognition. The research results of this article provide a foundation for the better application of remote sensing technology and provide more assistance for human life.


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