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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Reinforcing of Citizen’s Trust in E-Government: The Cameroon’s Case

DOI: 10.4236/jcc.2024.121006, PP. 77-109

Keywords: E-Government, Risk Factors, Technological Factors, Governmental Factors, Trust, Linear Regression

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The embracing of ICTs and related technologies has enhanced different approaches for governments worldwide to deliver services to their citizens in a smart way. However, the usage of e-government services by common citizens is recognized as one of the major setbacks of e-government development in both developed and developing countries. Moreover, government agencies in these countries are facing great challenges in keeping the citizens motivated enough to continue to use e-government services. This research aims to investigate the factors that influence citizens’ trust towards continue use of e-government services in Cameroon. The proposed research model consisted of three main constructs including technological, governmental, risk factors as well as six demographic characteristics (age, gender, educational level, income, internet experience and cultural perception). A five-point Likert scale questionnaire was designed to collect data physically and electronically, 352 valid questionnaires were retrieved. Simple and Multiple regression analysis methods were applied to build an adequate model based on the verification of hypotheses proposed. Based on results obtained, four demographic characteristics (age, education, occupation and income) have influence on citizens’ trust in e-government meanwhile gender and cultural affiliation have no influence. Furthermore, technological factors and governmental factors positively influence trust level in e-government, whereas risk factors have a negative influence on trust level. Deducing from the results, a list of recommendations is proposed to the government of Cameroon in order to reinforce citizens’ trust in e-government services.


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