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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Biophysics  2023 

The Pattern of Bursting in Network Neurons under Magnetic

DOI: 10.12677/BIPHY.2023.113005, PP. 52-63

Keywords: 呼吸中枢模式发生器,分岔,外激励,吸气周期,呼气周期;CPG, Bifurcation, External Excitation, Inspiratory Period, Expiratory Period

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Respiratory rhythm is an important physiological activity in mammals, and its production mecha-nism has been widely concerned. Regarding the normal respiratory rhythm formation mechanism, the main theory is the pacemaker theory and the network theory. Among them, the theory of neu-ronal networks believes that it relies on complex interactions between respiratory neurons. In this paper, the effects of magnetic flow are considered in the respiratory network, the respiratory rhythm in the network will exhibit many properties. As the brainstem respiratory central pattern generator (CPG) in mammals has many functions that are essential for survival, and the pre-B?tzinger complex, as one type of CPG, is a key site of respiratory rhythm generation. In this paper, we focus on the effect of magnetic currents on the inspiratory and expiratory cycles, and when the effect of magnetic currents is taken into account in a respiratory network, the rhythmic transition of the pre-B?tzinger complex network system under the action of magnetic currents is studied, and the mechanism of the rhythmic transition is investigated from a kinetic point of view. The results suggest that magnetic flow feedback coefficient k0 has an important influence on both the rhythmic pattern and the period of the respiratory network system. The results provide a bene-ficial reference for the study of respiratory rhythm in neural system.


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