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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Application and Research on Low Temperature Performance of Silicon Photomultiplier

DOI: 10.12677/NST.2022.101004, PP. 28-36

Keywords: 光电探测,硅光电倍增管(SiPM),低温,击穿电压,暗噪声
, Silicon Photomultiplier, Low Temperature, Breakdown Voltage, Dark Current

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硅光电倍增管(Silicon Photomultiplier)是二十世纪末发明的用于光探测领域的光电探测器件,由工作在盖革模式的雪崩二极管阵列组成。近年来,SiPM以其出色的单光子计数能力被广泛应用于高能物理领域。SiPM具有温度敏感性,低温可有效压制其暗计数,且相比于传统的光电倍增管(Photomultiplier, PMT),SiPM可以由低压供电并在低温环境运行。本文从SiPM工作原理出发,介绍了SiPM在大型实验中的低温应用,并自主搭建降温系统,研究了SiPM温度特性,改变环境温度,实时测量记录SiPM的击穿电压和暗计数率。实验表明,当温度下降时,击穿电压和暗计数率也随之下降。
Silicon Photo-multiplier is a photodetector device used in the field of light detection invented in the late 1990s. It consists of an avalanche diode array working in Geiger mode. Due to its excellent sin-gle-photon counting ability, SiPM has been widely used in the field of high-energy physics in recent years. SiPM is temperature sensitive, low temperature can effectively suppress its dark count. Compared with traditional photomultiplier tube (PMT), SiPM can be powered by low voltage and is suitable for low temperature operation. Starting from the working principle of SiPM, this article in-troduces the low-temperature application of SiPM in large-scale experiments. A cooling system was built, and the temperature characteristics of SiPM were measuring. The breakdown voltage and dark count rate of SiPM were measured and recorded in real time by changing the ambient tem-perature. Experiments show that when the temperature gets lower, the breakdown voltage and dark count rate also decrease.


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