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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Program Spectra Analysis with Theory of Evidence

DOI: 10.1155/2012/642983

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This paper presents an approach to automatically analyzing program spectra, an execution profile of program testing results for fault localization. Using a mathematical theory of evidence for uncertainty reasoning, the proposed approach estimates the likelihood of faulty locations based on evidence from program spectra. Our approach is theoretically grounded and can be computed online. Therefore, we can predict fault locations immediately after each test execution is completed. We evaluate the approach by comparing its performance with the top three performing fault localizers using a benchmark set of real-world programs. The results show that our approach is at least as effective as others with an average effectiveness (the reduction of the amount of code examined to locate a fault) of 85.6% over 119 versions of the programs. We also study the quantity and quality impacts of program spectra on our approach where the quality refers to the spectra support in identifying that a certain unit is faulty. The results show that the effectiveness of our approach slightly improves with a larger number of failed runs but not with a larger number of passed runs. Program spectra with support quality increases from 1% to 100% improves the approach's effectiveness by 3.29%. 1. Introduction Identifying location of faulty software is notoriously known to be among the most costly and time-consuming process in software development [1, 2]. As software gets larger and more complex, the task can be daunting even with the help of debugging tools. Over the decades, many approaches to software fault localization have been studied including diagnostic reasoning [3], program slicing [4], nearest neighbor [5], and statistical analysis [6, 7]. Recent fault localization techniques have focused on automatically analyzing program behaviors observed from the execution of a suite of test cases on the tested program called program spectra [8]. For each run of the test case, certain program units (e.g., statements or blocks of code) are executed and result in either a passed test (run, or execution) when the output of the program’s execution is the same as the expected output, or a failed test, otherwise. A collection of program spectra contains execution profiles that indicate which part of the program is involved in each test run and whether it is passed or failed. Spectrum-based fault localization basically tries to identify the part of the program whose activity correlates most with the resulting passed or failed test runs. Most existing spectrum-based approaches rely on similarity


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