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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Application of Calcium Phosphate Materials in Dentistry

DOI: 10.1155/2013/876132

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Calcium phosphate materials are similar to bone in composition and in having bioactive and osteoconductive properties. Calcium phosphate materials in different forms, as cements, composites, and coatings, are used in many medical and dental applications. This paper reviews the applications of these materials in dentistry. It presents a brief history, dental applications, and methods for improving their mechanical properties. Notable research is highlighted regarding (1) application of calcium phosphate into various fields in dentistry; (2) improving mechanical properties of calcium phosphate; (3) biomimetic process and functionally graded materials. This paper deals with most common types of the calcium phosphate materials such as hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate which are currently used in dental and medical fields. 1. Introduction Calcium phosphate materials have received a lot of research attention in recent years due to their chemical similarity to bones and teeth. They are attractive biomedical materials owing to their excellent biocompatibility and the nontoxicity of their chemical components [1–4]. Calcium phosphates belong to the group of bioactive synthetic materials and its most frequently used are the hydroxyapatite and the tricalcium phosphate. These types are commonly used due to their osteoconductivity, crystallographic structures, and chemical composition similar to the skeletal tissue. They are classified according to their “resorbability,” that is extent of degradation in vivo. Hydroxyapatite has been described as “nonresorbable” and tricalcium phosphate has been described as “resorbable” [3, 4]. Calcium phosphate materials show a positive interaction with living tissue that includes also differentiation of immature cells towards bone cells [4, 5]. These materials also have chemical bonding to the bone along the interface, thought to be triggered by the adsorption of bone growth-mediating proteins at the biomaterials surface [4, 6]. Hence, there will be a biochemically mediated strong bonding osteogenesis [6, 7]. In addition to compressive forces, to some degree tensile and shear forces can also be transmitted through the interface (“bony ingrowth”). The first calcium phosphate materials were used in the 1920s. They were used as bone substitute or bone graft [8]. It was reported that a “triple calcium phosphate” compound used in a bony defect promoted osteogenesis or new bone formation. In 1971, Monroe and his colleagues reported a method for the preparation of a calcium phosphate, principally mineral calcium-fluorapatite, and


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