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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Concerning the Lower Atmosphere Responses to Magnetospheric Storms and Substorms

DOI: 10.1155/2013/130786

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The issue of existence and physical mechanism for solar-terrestrial couplings has rather a long history. Investigations into the solar activity effect on meteorological processes in the lower atmosphere have become especially topical recently. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of geomagnetic activity on meteorological processes in the atmosphere. We analyze the data on magnetic storms and tropical cyclones that were observed in the North Atlantic, East Pacific, and West Pacific to understand the mechanism for magnetospheric disturbance effects on complicated nonlinear system of atmospheric processes. 1. Introduction There exist statistical correlations among geomagnetic activity, atmospheric pressure, and temperature [1–3]. Authors in [4] suggested that the observed climate response to solar variability is caused by a dynamical response in the troposphere to heating predominantly in the stratosphere. According to [5], a tropical cyclogenesis may be “a mechanism for effective discharge of the surplus heat in the atmosphere under the conditions when the routine mechanism effect becomes insufficient.” Between the solar-terrestrial disturbance parameters, on the one hand, and the cyclogenesis characteristics, on the other, various researchers endeavor to trace hard-to-detect statistical associations. In [6], the correlation between tropical cyclones and the Cycle-23 storms was investigated. The revealed coincidence between the time of origin and evolution of the 2005 August 23-24 Hurricane Katrina with the powerful geomagnetic storm main phase [7] also boosted the research in this area. The issue of physical mechanism for solar-terrestrial couplings has long interested researchers. Many geophysicists were almost prepared to reject the idea about a solar activity effect on the lower atmosphere condition as absolutely unacceptable. And, first of all, the matter was that the atmospheric process power enormously exceeds the solar-wind input energy flux into the near-Earth space. Due to this, it seems most unlikely that solar activity could significantly affect the lower atmosphere condition. However, the research done over the last years allowed us to find a clue to overcome this inconsistency. The main objection to a possibility of the solar activity effective influence on the lower atmosphere condition and on weather, based on insufficient power of the solar wind, appears quite surmountable; see, for example, [8]. Also, like the computations in [9] show, the energy necessary to create the atmospheric optical screen (shield) is incomparably


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