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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Enhanced Cognitive Walkthrough: Development of the Cognitive Walkthrough Method to Better Predict, Identify, and Present Usability Problems

DOI: 10.1155/2013/931698

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To avoid use errors when handling medical equipment, it is important to develop products with a high degree of usability. This can be achieved by performing usability evaluations in the product development process to detect and mitigate potential usability problems. A commonly used method is cognitive walkthrough (CW), but this method shows three weaknesses: poor high-level perspective, insufficient categorisation of detected usability problems, and difficulties in overviewing the analytical results. This paper presents a further development of CW with the aim of overcoming its weaknesses. The new method is called enhanced cognitive walkthrough (ECW). ECW is a proactive analytical method for analysis of potential usability problems. The ECW method has been employed to evaluate user interface designs of medical equipment such as home-care ventilators, infusion pumps, dialysis machines, and insulin pumps. The method has proved capable of identifying several potential use problems in designs. 1. Introduction In the development of user interfaces, it is important to consider the need for these to be simple and safe to handle for the user group in the intended context. This is especially true of safety-critical technical equipment such as medical equipment, where a possibility of harm to patients can arise from erroneous use of the devices [1–4]. Several studies have shown that there is a clear connection between problems of usability and human error; for example, Obradovich and Woods [5], Lin et al. [6], and the FDA [7] have also referred to this problem. Liljegren [2] has shown in a doctoral thesis that medical personnel rank “difficulty of making mistakes” as the most important aspect of good usability for medical equipment. An important step in the development of usable technology is to try in advance to identify and evaluate the occasions, in the interaction between user and product, when there is a possibility of errors arising [8]. To identify the problems that can give rise to errors in handling a product, evaluations are normally made of the product’s user interface with realistic tasks, that is, in a usability evaluation. Jaspers [9] presents an overview of methods used in medical technology usability evaluations. The usability evaluation of user interfaces can proceed according to two different approaches: empirical and analytical [3, 10]. Empirical evaluation involves studies of users who interact with the user interface by carrying out different tasks, which is done in what are known as usability tests [11]. Usability tests have been employed to


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