Total of 2 articles.


Sep 23, 2022Open    AccessArticle

Semi-Strong Efficient Market Hypothesis in Dividend Announcements on the IDX

Mersa Lestari Ningrum and Asep Risman
This research examines the semi-strong form of the market efficiency hypothesis in the context of dividend announcements on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), specifically good news in the form of an increase in dividend value over the previous year and bad news in the form of a decrease in dividend value over the previous year. This research aimed to see how dividend announcements affect stock prices and how efficient the market reaction is. The samples used in this study are the companies lis...

Supply Chain Management  Business Management  Human Resource Management  Sales Management  Risk Management  Finance  Technology And Innovation  Tourism Economy  Total Quality Management 

Dec 31, 2021Open    AccessArticle

Impact of the Tourism Industry Scenarios in Urban Economy: (Case Study Tabriz)

Paria Samadi Parviznejad, Amir Naser Akhavan
Purpose: The tourism industry, especially in its urban dimension, has a special place in the economies of countries and its effects and consequences are evident in all dimensions. Cities are considered as tourist places due to their structure, texture and identity, and one of the components of economic development of cities and its result in countries is tourism. Methodology: To do this, in addition to library studies, interviews with experts and professors in the field of tourism and economi...

Tourism Economy 
