ANALISIS DE OPORTUNIDADES DE IMPLEMENTACION DE TECNOLOGIAS DE LA INFORMACIóN Y COMUNICACIONES (TIC'S) LOGíSTICAS EN LA CADENA DE SUMINISTRO DEL ORO EN EL TOLIMAKeywords: gold chain, logistic, technology and communications technologies (ict's), colombia, bermellón. Abstract: this article seeks to review and analyze opportunities for implementation information and communications technologies (ict) as a means for the gold chain in the mining distríct of bermellón in tolima increase their productivity and utilization of their resources through proper logistics management. to achieve this objective, performing a literature review and analysis of books and reports related to the subject. which cover from the description of the gold chain in colombia and bermellón, to the concepts of supply chain. logistics and ict's to the analysis of these concepts in the productivity of the mining of gold in bermellón. finally, the paper gives the concept of icts can contribute to improving logistics productivity potential and resource exploitation of gold mining in this región because of its focus on proper management of information flows. goods and money, at different stages of their supply chain.