APROXIMACIóN AL IMPACTO ECONóMICO LOCAL DE LA MINERíA AURíFERA: EL CASO DE MINEROS S.A.Keywords: employment, economic impact, regional economic, gold mining, wealth generation, el bagre, mineros s.a. Abstract: this paper synthesizes research results about ?mineros s.a economic impact measurement on its influence zone: an approximation from regional employment and monetary fluxes?. this research ended at may 2006, was sponsored by mineros s.a. from methodology point of view, this study looks for an approximation to measurement and distribution of the impact, by means of considering monetary fluxes from the enterprise and how it flow through the region with multipliers effects, both direct as indirect and induced. this case study shows how mineros s.a. generates $16.137millions to the region, from which remains in this zone (net wealth) after discounting outside supply $8.402 millions. it is important to note that gross wealth, excluding gold production value, represents 11% of el bagre economy. in terms of employment generation, mineros s.a. impacts to the region with 2.459 employs that means about 23% of el bagre?semployment. intersector relations shows little enterprise?scontributionto intermediate demand or inputs supply (but is stronger in terms of final demand), suggesting this as one field where enterprise can in deep its links with regional economy.