CONECTIVIDAD ESTRUCTURAL DEL PAISAJE CAFETERO EN LA CUENCA ALTA DEL RIO SAN JUAN, SUROESTE ANTIOQUE?O, COLOMBIAKeywords: landscape pattern, classification of covers, remote sensor, landscape connectivity, coffe plantation landscape, san juan river, antioquia, colombia. Abstract: the aim of this study was to determine landscape pattern in 19464 (ha) in the north of the western andes mountain (antioquia, colombia), with presence of natural vegetation, pastures and crops. we used remote sensing tools and analysis from an spot xs satellite image from 2001. the analysis was to make with a supervised classification with eight categories: forest, shade coffee, coffee, height regrowth, pastures, clouds, shade clouds and urban. the landscape patterns were quantified by considering parameters of shape, composition and configuration; as well the structural connectivity of the forest fragments based in landscape metrics used for study the fragmentations. in general it was observed that the landscape present height heterogeneity due to the number of patches ( 849 in natural coverage). the forest and height regrowth has 214 and 251 patches respectively, with smalls sizes and very distant. the dominant covers are the pastures and shade coffee, those present the biggest patches and are the most continuous.