Stress can be perceived in many forms by young people aged 18 - 19 who want to enter the field of professional dance and can have negative effects on their motor performance. We believe that introducing psychokinetic therapy in the specific training of young dancers can influence their perceived stress, self-confidence, including sports and artistic performance of young dancers. The research study was conducted on a small sample of female students, and the results showed that there is a direct relationship between stress and performance (r = −0.629; 0.007; <0.05), the lower the stress level, the higher the performance. A significant relationship between performance and self-confidence was also established (r = 0.447; 0.072; <0.05). This shows us that the higher the level of self-confidence, the better the performance. The study highlighted the role of psychokinetic therapy in reducing stress, increasing self-confidence, and optimizing the motor performance of young dancers aged 18 - 19.
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