The research focuses on adults over 25 years of age and the comparison of their personal experience in virtual reality as well as in the real world. Investigated was the existence of relationship between the excessive Internet use and the experience of personal psychological well-being; compared was the experience of personal psychological well-being in people for whom the Internet use is their daily activity with people who do not use the Internet regularly, and often are not registered on social networks. The research focuses on the relationship of personal psychological well-being and Internet use, whether the relationship between the Internet and social networks use and personal subjective well-being exists, how frequent and inappropriate Internet use affects life satisfaction, subjective experience, feelings, and relationships with others. The results showed that the use of Internet and social networks to some extent affects our personal subjective well-being; statistically significant were the results in the relationship between personal well-being, dimensions of personal subjective well-being and the Internet use.
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