A Qualitative Study Exploring the Experience and Value of the Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES) Device Alpha-Stim AID for a Social Prescribing Service Patients with Symptoms of Anxiety
Background: Alpha-Stim AID is a self-administered cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) device with evidence of effectiveness in treating symptoms of anxiety. In this study, Alpha-Stim AID was offered through a United Kingdom (UK) primary care social prescription service to patients with symptoms of anxiety. Methods: This study explored the experience and impact of using Alpha-Stim AID and social prescribing service through in-depth interviews. Out of a sample of 30 using Alpha-Stim AID, thirteen participants consented to be interviewed. The age range of participants was 27 - 68 years (M = 50.67, SD = 13.27); eight (62%) were female and five (38%) were male. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: There was support for the acceptability and useability of Alpha-Stim AID. Most participants described a positive impact in their lives. Themes that emerged offered insights into the welcomed addition of Alpha-Stim AID to anxiety treatment and its ease of use, how Alpha-Stim AID had positive impacts, the benefits of social prescribing service, and how improvements gained enabled engagement in socialising, activities, and further mental health recovery. Conclusions: It is important to identify anxiety symptoms and offer patients a choice of treatment options beyond medication. The results support the use of Alpha-Stim AID as a treatment option for people with symptoms of anxiety using social prescribing services.
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