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Psychology  2024 

Active Hope as a Catalyst for Mental and Psychosocial Health in Climate-Related Disasters

DOI: 10.4236/psych.2024.155039, PP. 634-644

Keywords: Hope, Mental Health, Psychosocial Health, Climate-Related Disasters, Resilience, Coping Strategies

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Climate-related disasters pose significant challenges to individuals, communities, and societies worldwide, leading to profound psychological and social impacts. In the aftermath of such disasters, promoting mental and psychosocial health becomes imperative for alleviating suffering and fostering resilience. This paper explores the role of active hope as a fundamental factor in facilitating psychological well-being and social cohesion following climate-related disasters. Drawing on theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence, it examines how hope contributes to coping strategies, adaptive behaviors, and recovery processes. Additionally, it discusses interventions and approaches aimed at fostering hope and promoting mental and psychosocial health in disaster-affected populations. By highlighting the importance of hope in post-disaster contexts, this paper underscores the need for comprehensive and holistic strategies to address the multifaceted challenges posed by climate-related disasters.


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