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A Follow-Up on Projection Theory: Theorems and Group Action

DOI: 10.4236/alamt.2019.91001, PP. 1-19

Keywords: Projection Theory, Projection Manifolds, Projectors, Congruent Projection Matrices

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In this article, we wish to expand on some of the results obtained from the first article entitled Projection Theory. We have already established that one-parameter projection operators can be constructed from the unit circle \"\". As discussed in the previous article these operators form a Lie group known as the Projection Group. In the first section, we will show that the concepts from my first article are consistent with existing theory [1] [2]. In the second section, it will be demonstrated that not only such operators are mutually congruent but also we can define a group action on \"\"?by using the rotation group \"\" [3] [4]. It will be proved that the group \"\" acts on elements of \"\"?in a non-faithful but ∞-transitive way consistent with both group operations. Finally, in the last section we define the group operation \"\"?in terms of matrix operations using the \"\" operator and the Hadamard Product; this construction is consistent with the group operation defined in the first article.


[1]  Tapp, K. Matrix Groups for Undergraduates. ISBN 0-8218-3750-0.
[2]  Yanai, H., Takeuchi, K. and Takane, Y. Projection Matrices, Generalized Inverse Matrices, and Singular Value Decomposition. ISBN 1441998861, Springer.
[3]  Rudolph, G. and Schmidt, M. (2103) Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics: Part I Manifold, Lie Groups and Hamiltonian Systems. ISBN 978-94-007-5344-0, Springer, Berlin.
[4]  Levine, M. GLn(R) as a Lie Group. University of Chicago.


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