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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Comparison of technology of forming the sheet metal by numerical simulations

Keywords: Machining , Forming sheet metal , Stainless sheet metal , DC04 sheet metal , Spring back effect

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Purpose: The paper is concerned about the problems in forming low-carbon and stainless sheet metal in parallelon the same tools. It describes the properties of stainless sheet metal and the comparison with ordinary sheetmetal of DC04 quality. Differences in physical properties pose a source of problems occurring in forming bothsheet metals of the same geometry.Design/methodology/approach: Numerical simulation methods of deep drawing have been used for planningthe technology of forming low-carbon and stainless sheet metal. For establishing basic properties of material theconventional testing methods have been used.Findings: The target of researches was to find out what changes have to be made in the forming tools, when thesheet metal from stainless steel is formed.Research limitations/implications: : Comparison of formability of sheet metals was limited only to materialssuitable for use in production of household appliances.Practical implications: The research is practically employed in forming sheet metal parts for household appliances.Originality/value: By the use of the method described it is possible to determine in advance, how the formingtool must be made. Our aim was to make a forming tool suitable for forming sheet metal from stainless andlow-carbon steel. The paper presents actual constructions.


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