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Axioms  2013 

Using the Choquet Integral in the Fuzzy Reasoning Method of Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems

DOI: 10.3390/axioms2020208

Keywords: fuzzy rule-based classification systems, Choquet integral, fuzzy measure, genetic algorithm

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In this paper we present a new fuzzy reasoning method in which the Choquet integral is used as aggregation function. In this manner, we can take into account the interaction among the rules of the system. For this reason, we consider several fuzzy measures, since it is a key point on the subsequent success of the Choquet integral, and we apply the new method with the same fuzzy measure for all the classes. However, the relationship among the set of rules of each class can be different and therefore the best fuzzy measure can change depending on the class. Consequently, we propose a learning method by means of a genetic algorithm in which the most suitable fuzzy measure for each class is computed. From the obtained results it is shown that our new proposal allows the performance of the classical fuzzy reasoning methods of the winning rule and additive combination to be enhanced whenever the fuzzy measure is appropriate for the tackled problem.


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