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High reliability of measure of diaphragmatic mobility by radiographic method in healthy individuals

Keywords: fisioterapia , diafragma , radiografia , reprodutibilidade dos testes , physical therapy , diaphragm , radiographic , reproducibility of the tests

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BACKGROUND: Diaphragmatic evaluation is crucial in clinical practice, and no studies have reported the intra- and interobserver reproducibilities of the radiographic method to evaluate diaphragmatic mobility. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the reliability of radiographic measurement as a method for assessing the mobility of the left and right hemidiaphragms. METHOD: Forty-two patients, who were waiting for cholecystectomy surgery, were evaluated relative to the following parameters: physical examination, pulmonary function and radiographic evaluation. The measure of mobility of each hemidiaphragm was randomly determined by two physical therapists at two different times. The intra- and interobserver reproducibilities of the measurements were determined by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC[2,1]) and the 95% confidence interval (CI). The Bland-Altman plot was also used. The level of significance was 5%. RESULTS: In the analysis of intra-observer reproducibility in radiographic evaluations of the left and right hemidiaphragms, ICC[2,1] indicated a "very high correlation" for both observer A (ICC[2,1] = 0.99, p <0.001 and ICC[2,1] = 0.97, p <0.001, respectively) and observer B (ICC[2,1] = 0.99, p <0.001 and ICC[2,1] = 0.99 p <0.001, respectively). In the analysis of interobserver reproducibility, the ICC[2,1] indicated a "very high correlation" for the 1st and 2nd radiographic evaluations of the right hemidiaphragm (ICC[2,1] = 0.98 and ICC[2,1] = 0,99, respectively, p <0.001) and left hemidiaphragm (ICC[2,1] = 0.98 and ICC[2,1] = 0.99, respectively, p <0.001). CONCLUSION: The intra and interobserver tests of the radiographic measure of mobility of the left and right hemidiaphragms showed high reliability. CONTEXTUALIZA O: A avalia o diafragmática é fundamental na prática clínica, e n o existem estudos que verificam a reprodutibilidade intra e interobservadores do método radiográfico com objetivo de avaliar a mobilidade diafragmática. OBJETIVO: Analisar a confiabilidade da medida radiográfica como método de avalia o da mobilidade dos hemidiafragmas direito e esquerdo. MéTODO: Foram avaliados 42 pacientes no pré-operatório de colecistectomia. Os parametros utilizados foram: exame físico, prova de fun o pulmonar e avalia o radiográfica. A medida da mobilidade de cada hemidiafragma foi determinada, aleatoriamente, por dois fisioterapeutas em dois momentos. A reprodutibilidade intra e interobservadores das medidas foi determinada pelo Coeficiente de Correla o Intraclasse (ICC[2,1]) e pelo intervalo de confian a (IC) de 95%. A disposi o gráfica de Bland & A


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