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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Aposentos de la memoria dinástica. Mudanza y estabilidad en los panteones regios leoneses (1157-1230)

Keywords: kingdom of Leon , royal tombs , cathedral of Santiago de Compostela , Fernando II , Alfonso IX , reino de León , cementerios regios , catedral de Santiago de Compostela , Fernando II , Alfonso IX

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The history of the royal burial places of the Kingdom of León culminates in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. It is possible to consider that in this cathedral, before occupying the chapel of Santa Catalina, the royal tombs had been kept elsewhere, perhaps in a place with specifi c burial purpose. The morphology of the burial places of the kings of León was not homogeneous throughout three centuries. My aim is to discuss whether or not the notion of continuity was observed in the royal cemeteries as a whole, or if this continuity is the result of the views of chroniclers and historians. En la catedral de Santiago de Compostela culmina la historia de los panteones del reino de León. Es plausible considerar que antes de ocupar la capilla de Santa Catalina, las tumbas regias se reservaron en otro lugar, quizá alguno con vocación cementerial. La morfología de los panteones leoneses no fue homogénea a lo largo de tres siglos. Planteo si el conjunto de cementerios observó o no una continuidad o si esta idea responde a la visión de cronistas e historiadores.


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