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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Nombre, muerte y santificación de una prostituta. Escritura y culto de Botitas Negras.

Keywords: Popular Canonization , Letters writing , Prostitution , Political Theology , Calama (Chile)

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Irene Iturra Saez, in the Chilean city of Calama in September 1969. The writings thatproliferate around to whom is known today as Botitas Negras, are constitutive of keydimensions to understand the singularity of the character and forms of popular devotion thatleads to her canonization. We present the form and content of the intertextuality unfold aroundthe life, dead and postmortem life of this saint: periodical press, judiciary texts, rumors, letters,objects, and proper names. The letters addressed to the holy prostitute and the objects of hershrine traces the inscriptions of her current existence, by an exchange cycle between thedevotees and their saint. Also, we can see the Botitas Negras shrine as a “governmentaloffice” that receives petitions (letters) and positioned Botitas Negras as ministry of a theocracythat dispense “life protection” and intervention through miracles, to help fragmented andprecarized populations by the neoliberal government of an “invisible hand”.


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