%0 Journal Article %T Intelectuais e statemakers: Oliveira Vianna, Evaristo de Moraes Filho e a a£¿£¿o coletiva no Brasil %A Brasil Jr. %A Ant£¿nio da Silveira %J Estudos Hist¨®ricos (Rio de Janeiro) %D 2010 %I Centro de Pesquisa e Documenta??o de Hist¨®ria Contempor?nea do Brasil da Funda??o Get¨²lio Vargas %R 10.1590/S0103-21862010000200005 %X this article aims to examine comparatively the arguments of oliveira vianna and evaristo de moraes filho. both analyzed the brazilian society, but also participated in the state apparatus (in the ministry of labor), and created legal instruments to intervene on the society. i try to examine these two "moments", the sociological and the juridical one, in an integrated way, seeking the meaningful connections between their roles as statemakers and their cognitive perspectives. %K brazilian social thought %K intellectuals %K nation-state %K oliveira vianna %K evaristo de moraes filho. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0103-21862010000200005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en