%0 Journal Article
%T 油气长输管道建设施工安全风险识别及应对措施
Identification and Response Measures of Safety Risks in the Construction of Oil and Gas Long-Distance Pipeline
%A 袁洪飞
%J Journal of Oil and Gas Technology
%P 194-198
%@ 2471-7207
%D 2024
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/jogt.2024.462024
%X 油气长输管道的建设施工过程中,面临着自然灾害、施工操作失误、设备故障和环境污染等多种安全风险。通过对这些风险因素的识别和分类,可以采取预防措施、应急管理和监测控制策略,有效降低事故发生的概率,保障施工安全。案例分析表明,综合应用科技监测手段和管理策略,能够有效识别、监控和控制安全风险,确保施工过程的安全和项目的成功完成。
During the construction process of oil and gas long-distance pipelines, there are various safety risks such as natural disasters, construction operation errors, equipment failures, and environmental pollution. By identifying and classifying these risk factors, preventive measures, emergency management, and monitoring and control strategies can be taken to effectively reduce the probability of accidents and ensure construction safety. Case analysis shows that the comprehensive application of technology monitoring methods and management strategies can effectively identify, monitor, and control safety risks, ensuring the safety of the construction process and the successful completion of the project.
%K 油气长输管道,建设施工,安全风险
Oil and Gas Long-Distance Pipelines
%K Construction and Construction
%K Safety Risks
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89994