%0 Journal Article
%T 国际能源储运工程紧密型联合体财税管理
Financial Tax Management of International Energy Storage and Transportation Project Tight Consortium
%A 李铁峥
%A 滕涛
%J Journal of Oil and Gas Technology
%P 199-204
%@ 2471-7207
%D 2024
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/jogt.2024.462025
%X 紧密型联合体是国际能源储运工程企业进军国际能源新兴市场、高端市场、关键市场的重要模式,是实现业务突破、业绩突破、市场突破的重要方式,是抵御风险、优势互补、合作共赢的重要抓手,已经成为国际工程承揽的主要选择。财税管理是紧密型联合体管理的核心,通过组织切实可行的财税管理活动,也是项目实现利润最大化的重要组成。本文从国际能源储运工程联合体的概念和分类入手,分析了紧密型联合体财税管理现状并提出了管理措施。
The tight consortium is an important model for international energy storage and transportation engineering enterprises to enter the international energy emerging market, high-end market, and key market. It is an important way to achieve business breakthroughs, performance breakthroughs, and market breakthroughs. It is an important starting point for resisting risks, complementary advantages, and win-win cooperation, and has become the main choice for international engineering contracting. Financial and tax management is the core of the management of the tight consortium. Through organizational and feasible financial and tax management activities, it is also an important component of the project to maximize the profit. This article starts with the concept and classification of the international energy storage and transportation engineering consortium, analyzes the current status of the financial tax management of tight consortium and proposes management measures.
%K 紧密型联合体,国际能源储运工程,财税管理
Tight Consortium
%K International Energy Storage and Transportation Project
%K Finance Tax Management
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=90103