%0 Journal Article %T Osteotomy Protocol for Implant Insertion of One Day Biotech: One Drill, One Implant %A Jin Hwan Kim %A Jaehyun Song %A Jaegyun Choi %A Jose Francisco Ballester %A Ireh Kim %A Santiago Jose Ballester %J Open Journal of Stomatology %P 255-277 %@ 2160-8717 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojst.2024.145021 %X <b>Background</b>: Four factors determine the quality of an implantology kit: 1) Heat generated by the drills; 2) Morphology of the osteotomy according to the diameter of the implant; 3) Efficiency of collecting autologous bone; and 4) Osteotomy execution time. <b>Materials and Methods</b>: This article examines the heat produced by drills during osteotomy, focusing on the effect of the following factors: drilling technique; volume of autologous bone harvested; drilling time; implant primary stability; and the percentage of osseointegrated implants after primary healing. <b>Discussion</b>: The four factors mentioned above are analyzed based on the data obtained for sequential, biological, and One Drill milling techniques. <b>Conclusions</b>: 1) One Drill is the fastest technique for performing the osteotomy; 2) All techniques stay within the biological temperature range of living bone, with the lowest increase in temperature achieved using One Drill with irrigation; 3) The bone harvested showed no statistically significant differences between biological milling and the One Drill technique, both far superior to the sequential technique; and 4) There is no statistically significant difference in the number of osseointegrated implants among the three techniques analyzed. %K Dental Implant %K Bur %K Primary Stability %K Drilling Time %K Osteotomy %K Irrigation %K Bone Collected %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=133604