%0 Journal Article %T 热力学中相对论性物理量的探讨与应用
Exploration and Application of Relativistic Physical Quantities in Thermodynamics %A 汪月琴 %A 王锦阳 %J Applied Physics %P 183-189 %@ 2160-7575 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/app.2024.144022 %X 狭义相对论的洛伦兹变换和质能方程是现代物理学的重要基本理论,其应用在物理学分支中具有普适性。热力学和相对论有着内在的联系,基本热力学参量在相对论时空观下有着与经典物理不同的形式。基于热力学中相对性温度的概念,建立了热质在一维导热情形下的相对论动质量与动能量、动量、压强的基本方程,引入了热子气等效质量,从而推导出其宏观运动的动能和势能表达式,并探讨了几个相对性热力学参量在现代物理中的应用。
The Lorentz transformation and mass energy equation of special relativity are important basic theories in modern physics, and their applications have universality in many branches of physics. Thermodynamics and relativity have an inherent connection. The basic thermodynamic parameters have different forms from classical physics under the relativistic spacetime perspective. Based on the concept of relative temperature in thermodynamics, a basic equation for the relativistic kinetic mass, kinetic energy, momentum, and pressure of heat and mass in the case of one-dimensional thermal conductivity was established. The equivalent mass of hot gas was introduced, and the expressions for its macroscopic kinetic energy and potential energy were derived. The application of several relative thermodynamic parameters in modern physics was discussed. %K 热力学参量,相对性动质量和动质能,相对论动量,相对论压强,等效质量
Thermodynamic Parameters %K Relative Kinetic Mass and Kinetic Energy %K Relativistic Momentum %K Relativistic Pressure %K Equivalent Mass %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84414