%0 Journal Article %T 基于相变材料的可调谐高Q共振
Tunable High?Q Resonance Based on the Phase-Change Material %A 江心远 %A 宋子虚 %J Applied Physics %P 176-182 %@ 2160-7575 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/app.2024.144021 %X 近年来,基于超构表面的高Q共振在纳米尺度上增强光与物质相互作用引起了广泛的关注。在这里,我们数值演示了仅相变材料的超构表面的可调谐共振。该超构表面可以支持磁偶极子共振和环偶极子共振,通过相变材料的相变来动态地调谐这些共振的波长。此外,通过改变结构参数如高度、半径等均可以实现环形偶极共振和磁偶极共振相互作用产生EIT共振,我们在超构表面上数值模拟了EIT的高Q因子。然而,当相变材料转变为晶相时,EIT共振被关闭。可切换的高Q EIT共振在慢光器件、光学调制器和生物传感器中具有潜在的应用前景。
In recent years, high-Q resonances based on metasurfaces have attracted widespread attention in recent years for enhancing light-matter interaction at the nanoscale. Here, we numerically demonstrate a tunable resonance from chalcogenide metasurface. The metasurface can support both a magnetic dipole resonance and a toroidal dipole resonance. The wavelength of these resonances can be dynamically tuned through the phase transition of phase-change material. In addition, by changing structural parameters such as height and radius, the interaction between toroidal dipole resonance and magnetic dipole resonance can be achieved to generate EIT resonance, we numerically demonstrated a high Q factor analogue of EIT on the metasurface. However, the EIT resonances are switched off when phase-change material is transformed into the crystalline phase. The switchable high-Q EIT resonances hold potential applications in slow-light devices, optical modulators, and biosensors. %K 高Q,相变材料,超构表面,电磁诱导透明,环偶
High-Q %K Phase-Change Materials %K Metasurfaces %K Electromagnetically Induced Transparency %K Toroidal Dipole %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84412