%0 Journal Article
%T 使用十字纳米结构实现表面等离激元定向发射的超快时空控制
Ultrafast Spatiotemporal Control of Directional Launching of Surface Plasmon Polaritons Using Cross Nanostructures
%A 邹瑷怿
%A 季博宇
%A 林景全
%J Applied Physics
%P 149-156
%@ 2160-7575
%D 2024
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/app.2024.144018
%X 飞秒传输表面等离激元(femtosecond propagating surface plasmon, fs-PSP)的超快时空控制是光子纳米电路元件中超快信息处理的先决条件。目前多数的研究都是集中在对SPP空间传输方向上的操控,大多集中于在空间场中实现SPP的优先发射方向的主动控制,在时间尺度实现对SPP超快调控的研究相对较少,通过使用纳米定向耦合器实现对SPP优先发射方向的超快时空调控研究几乎未见报道,在这里,利用时域有限差分(FDTD)进行仿真,研究了两种相关结构的表面等离激元的超快时空操控,解决了SPP发射方向的单一性问题,增加其超快切换方向的自由度。这项成果对优化现有的等离激元纳米电路组件中超快信息处理系统乃至拓宽其应用领域具有重要的推动作用。
Ultrafast spatiotemporal control of femtosecond propagating surface plasmons (fs-PSPs) is a prerequisite for achieving ultrafast information processing in photonic nanocircuit components. Currently, most research focuses on manipulating the spatial direction of SPP transmission. In contrast, relatively little research has been done on actively controlling the preferred launch direction of SPPs on the time scale. The study of ultrafast spatiotemporal modulation of SPP’s preferred emission direction through nano-directional couplers has hardly been reported. Here, the ultrafast spatiotemporal manipulation of the surface plasmon of two related structures is investigated by simulation using finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations, which solves the problem of the singularity of the emission direction of the SPP and increases the degree of freedom of its ultrafast switching direction. This result is an important contribution to the optimization of the existing ultrafast information processing system in plasma nanocircuit components and even to the broadening of its application areas.
%K 飞秒传输表面等离激元,偏振控制,超快时空控制
Femtosecond Propagating Surface Plasmon
%K Polarization Control
%K Ultrafast Spatiotemporal Control
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84153