%0 Journal Article
%T PrAl2化合物磁熵变的研究
A Study on the Magnetic Entropy Change of PrAl2 Compounds
%A 夏承冉
%A 时阳光
%J Applied Physics
%P 142-148
%@ 2160-7575
%D 2024
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/app.2024.144017
%X 我们采用电弧熔炼和真空退火的方式制备了PrAl2合金,通过测量该合金的等温磁化曲线,对其相变类型和磁热效应展开了研究。根据Arrot曲线确定了PrAl2合金的相变属于二级相变。依据等温磁化曲线计算了合金的磁熵变,在相同磁场下,在居里温度附近达到最大值。在50 kOe磁场中,合金的磁熵变和制冷能力分别为14.61 J/kg?K和175.33 J/kg。表明了PrAl2作为磁性制冷剂有着潜在的应用前景。
PrAl2 alloy was prepared by arc melting and vacuum annealing, and its phase transition type and magnetocaloric effect were studied by measuring its isothermal magnetization curve. According to the Arrow curve, the phase transition of PrAl2 alloy belongs to the second order phase transition. The magnetic entropy change of the alloy was calculated based on the isothermal magnetization curve, and reached its maximum value near the Curie temperature under the same magnetic field. In a magnetic field of 50 kOe, the magnetic entropy change and the refrigerant capacity of the alloy are 14.61 J/kg?K and 175.33 J/kg, respectively. This indicates that PrAl2 has potential application prospects as a magnetic refrigerant.
%K 磁热效应,磁熵变,制冷能力
Magnetocaloric Effects
%K Magnetic Entropy Change
%K Refrigerant Capacity
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=84009