%0 Journal Article
%T 多层致密薄互储层预测技术应用效果分析
Analysis of Application Effect of Scattered Tight Thin Reservoir Prediction Technology
%A 毛立全
%A 杨自强
%J Journal of Oil and Gas Technology
%P 110-118
%@ 2471-7207
%D 2024
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/jogt.2024.461014
%X 随着油气资源新发现储量品味越来越低,勘探开发技术面临新的挑战。本文重点研究了多层致密薄互储层油藏的地震预测和滚动跟踪预测技术及其应用效果。在分片地震资料处理的基础上,采用多方法联合反演、多层储层综合评价、“三轮三定”滚动跟踪预测、“抠干抠钙”反演技术对研究区进行储层预测和滚动跟踪预测,屏蔽干层和钙质层的影响,全面表达了厚层状油藏的总体横向变化趋势,并通过滚动预测,及时取消、增补、调整下步钻井实施井位,有效地保证了钻井成功率。
With the reserve grade of new discovery of oil and gas resources getting lower and lower, exploration and development technology faces new challenges. This paper focuses on the seismic prediction and rolling tracking prediction technology of scattered tight thin reservoir and its application effect. base on the slice processing, Multi method joint inversion, multi-layer reservoir comprehensive evaluation, “three rounds and three determinations” rolling prediction, dry layer and calcium layer deduction technology are adopted to carry out reservoir prediction and rolling tracking prediction methods in the study area, shield the influence of dry layer and calcium layer, comprehensively express the overall lateral change trend of thick multi-layer reservoir, and through rolling prediction, the newly completed drilling compliance rate is gradually improved, effectively ensuring the drilling success rate.
%K 分片处理,多方法联合反演,滚动跟踪预测
Slice Processing
%K Multi Method Joint Inversion
%K Rolling Tracking Prediction
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=83514