%0 Journal Article
%T 马克思“幽灵”的出场、实质和当代意义
The Appearance, Essence, and Contemporary Significance of Marx’s “Ghost”
%A 李霈尧
%J Advances in Philosophy
%P 329-337
%@ 2169-2602
%D 2024
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.132050
%X 在马克思的语境中,“幽灵”的出场脉络是随着其思想和实践的转变而发展、演变的,“幽灵”经历了在批判中创立、在现实中宣告和在运动中发展三个历史阶段。在马克思的经典著作中,“幽灵”是其阐述新世界观批判性手段和价值立场表达方式,体现着批判、解放的精神底色,对马克思精神遗产的继承和对共产主义崇高理想的追求是“幽灵”的现实性发展。在当代,无产阶级夺取政权的革命活动实现了幽灵在场实体化的现实超越,中国式现代化道路对资本主义社会现代性批判的推进方式深化了对“幽灵”的内核认知,社会主义国家的建立和坚持共产党的领导体现了对“幽灵”精神认同普遍化的精神状态。
In the context of Marx, the emergence of “ghosts” has developed and evolved with the transfor-mation of their thoughts and practices. “Ghosts” have gone through three historical stages: creation in criticism, declaration in reality, and development in movement. In Marx’s classic works, the “ghost” is his critical means of elaborating on the new worldview and the expression of value posi-tions, reflecting the spirit of criticism and liberation. The inheritance of Marx’s spiritual heritage and the pursuit of the lofty ideals of communism are the realistic development of the “ghost”. In the contemporary era, the revolutionary activities of the proletariat seizing power have realized the re-alistic transcendence of the presence of ghosts. The way Chinese path to modernization has pro-moted the criticism of capitalist social modernity has deepened the core cognition of “ghosts”. The establishment of a socialist country and the adherence to the leadership of the Communist Party of China reflect the spiritual state of the universalization of the spiritual identity of “ghosts”.
%K 马克思,幽灵,出场,无产阶级
%K Ghosts
%K Exit
%K The Proletariat
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=81387