%0 Journal Article
%T 林德伯格的科学史观——以《西方科学的起源》为研究中心
Lindbergh’s View of Scientific History—Focusing on The Origin of Western Science
%A 苏婷婷
%J Advances in Philosophy
%P 159-163
%@ 2169-2602
%D 2024
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.131025
%X 在新时代的发展下,随着科技的高速发展,科学史和科技哲学的研究有着不可或缺的作用。作为科学史研究中十分重要的研究人员——戴维?林德伯格,尤其是对中世纪科学史研究上,林德伯格是权威的存在。《西方科学的起源》是科学史研究中举足轻重的一本教科书,是科学史和科学哲学研究者的必读书籍之一,但纵观科技哲学界对这本书的评述却寥寥无几,而现有的研究者大多针对文中的局部内容讲解或部分观点的分析,对本书背后的林德伯格本人的科技哲学探索脉络无人梳理。本文通过对此书作者背景、书的内容构架及内部逻辑进行分析,力求从作者的履历、其所著文章的梳理以及作者对本书目录和内容的编排逻辑三个维度来探求林德伯格书写此书的意图,从而深入探究他对科技哲学思考的出发点和内部逻辑。
With the rapid development of science and technology in the new era, the study of history of science and philosophy of science and technology plays an indispensable role. As a very important re-searcher in the study of the history of science—David Lindbergh, especially in the study of the his-tory of science in the Middle Ages, Lindbergh is an authority. The Origin of Western Science is an important textbook in the study of the history of science and one of the must-read books for re-searchers in the history of science and philosophy of science. However, there are very few comments on this book in the field of philosophy of science and technology, and most of the existing researchers focus on the explanation of partial content or the analysis of partial viewpoints. Lindbergh’s own philosophical exploration of science and technology behind this book has not been combed. By analyzing the author’s background, the content structure and the internal logic of the book, this paper tries to explore Lindbergh’s intention to write this book from three dimensions: The author’s history, the review of his articles and the arrangement logic of the contents and contents of the book, so as to deeply explore the starting point and internal logic of his thinking on philosophy of science and technology.
%K 《西方科学的起源》,创作目的,史学立场,内容逻辑
The Origin of Western Science
%K Creation Purpose
%K Historical Position
%K Content Logic
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79489